
Chinese Classics & The Bible - Table of Content

This is the content page for posts that relate Ancient Chinese Classical Literature to the Bible:
  1. Chinese Classics and the Bible
  2. i-Ching (YiJing) and the Bible
  3. Sinology Philosophy & The Bible in One Sentence
  4. Yin Yang and the Bible
  5. Linking Ancient Chinese Wisdom & the Bible
  6. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 1 Knowing a Person
  7. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 2 On Creation
  8. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 3 On The Golden Rule of Love
  9. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 4 On Giving to Abundance
  10. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 5 On Christian Virtues
  11. Similar Verses in Bible and Chinese Classics 6 On Wealth from ...
  12. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 7 on Mouth and Heart
  13. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 8 on the Great Commission 
  14. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 9 on Money & Righteousness
  15. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 10 on Filial Piety   
  16. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 11 Contentment in Whatever Situations
  17. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 12 Creation and Love from Lao Zi
  18. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 13 Shame & Boldness
  19. Similar Verses in the Bible and Chinese Classics 14 Law of Multiplication Returns from Giving
  20. Proverbs and LunYu of Confucius
  21. How to be King - From Within to Without  
  22. Understanding and Answers for the Present Generation
  23. Sinology Philosophy & The Bible in One Sentence
  24. Right or Wrong - The Moral Standard According to Ancient Chinese
  25. Let Your Light Shine & How with the Doctrine of Centrality
  26. All Will Be Revealed - So How Shall We Live?
  27. True Giving is Without Rewards - The Way of God
  28. The Parable of the Sower - An Interpretation from Chinese Viewpoint
  29. Confucius' Tien 天 and God
I-Ching and the Bible:
  1. Christianity Rediscovered: If Adam knew I-Ching, he would not have sinned
  2. How to Pass through Dangers?
  3. Humility is Forceful Too
  4. Joy in the Meantime- How to Really Wait
  5. The joy of Waiting - improving the process in the meantime.
  6. Building Successful Family & Organization according to I-Ching
  7. Biblical and Chinese Philosophical Teachings on Giving
Sun Zi's Art of War and the Bible:
  1. Sun Zi's Art of War and the Bible
  2. Christian Warfare and the Devil's Strategies


SCL Gmail said...


BlueCat57 said...

I just watched the BBC's "Genius of the Ancient World." It looks at Socrates, the Buddha and Confucius. What struck me about Confucius was how "Biblical" he was. I hold the view that the ancient world was not as isolated as we think. We just don't know how much interaction there was among ancient civilizations. I don't doubt for a minute that Confucius, seeking wisdom and knowledge, did not know of the "wisest man to ever live" - Solomon. Since I hold a view that Solomon wrote in the 900's BC and Confucius circa 500 BC, it is likely that Confucius could have come across his writings. At the very least Confucius could have been aware of the Jews and their beliefs.

In my search to compare Solomon with Confucius I came across your blog. I haven't had a chance to read any of it yet (it is somewhere in the top 1000 of things I want to read).

Do you have any thoughts on if, how and why the wisdom of these two men and cultures are so similar?

Is it just "truth is truth" and "wisdom is wisdom"? Or do you suspect some sort of interaction be it through contact or writings?

Unknown said...

I don't think so. More likely it was God revealed to Confucius some truths that are in line with biblical teachings. You seem to assume that the virtues of other cultures can only originate from the Jews alone.

Lim Liat said...

Truth is there for anyone to discover. The Bible Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Confucius says, 【论语】 陽貨-子曰 「天何言哉? 四時行焉, 百物生焉, 天何言哉?」
Does the Heavenly God speak? The four seasons rotate through time, the animals and plants blossoms, does not the Heaven speak?

Psalm 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice[b] goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

Lao Zi DaoDeJing 41
Dao is hidden and is without any name.
Only that Dao is good in giving and helping others succeed.