
Wisdom of Proverbs - Love

The strongest bond of love comes naturally from relationship - parent and child. There is no performance to earn the love. Love comes with the relationship. It is like Father God and us, His children. Love is unchanging, covers the effects of sins, and many other things. In short, love is powerful. Love is about righteousness, generosity and blessedness.
Continuing to work on additional topics for Wisdom of Proverbs by Topics.
This time is about 'Love'. But I am stuck right away on Prov 4 and in particular 4:3, (ERV)  When I was my father's little boy and my mother's dear son. Prov 4 is about how the Father, wanting his son to do well in life, gives him instructions about life. The instructions are for life v4, long life of many years v8, protection v6, not stumbling v12, having honor v8 and crown v9. The Father is doing it out of love. But why does the Father love his son? The son is still young and could not do anything for the Father. So, this brings out the key lessons about love.

1. Love comes naturally from Relationship.
I was reminded of a short article we studied in school, written by a famous Chinese woman author 冰心 Bing Xin. Here is a key text:

No Other Reasons
Once, when I was little, suddenly walked to the front of my mother, lifting up my head and asked,"Mama, why do you love me?" Mother put down her needle and threads, touching my forehead with her face, gently and without any hesitation said, "Not because of anything, just because you are my daughter!".
 In this kind of relationship, parent-child, love comes with it and within. There is no need for performance. No need to earn it. True love is unconditional and yet wanting and supporting you to be the very best that you can be. Best not by worldly standard, but by your ability to be independent and living a joyful and healthy life with yourself and others.

The rest of learning on love in Proverbs can be found in the following mind-map. Hope you can read it carefully and be encouraged. 

Lim Liat (c) 1 Dec 2011

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