
Kingdom Principles Discussion 01 Work & Kingdom Principles from Parables

We are having a series of discussions on the topic of the Kingdom Principles. Here is the first discussion. The topic text is from KP#0 Kingdom Laws & Principles.

Here is the outline of our discussion:

The Concept of Work
Most people think that work is a curse because of the sweat and stress. But work is actually ordained by God and is a natural part of life. Work comes before the curse. Curse makes the joyful work to become tiring and stressful. See Satisfying & God Glorifying Work.

The Lord's Prayer - His Kingdom and Will on Earth
The Lord's prayer is taught my Jesus to all believers to pray likewise - in format and in content. It begins with a basic for our prayer - our relationship with God as Father-child relationship. Because of this relationship, can we then communicate with Him and be assured that our prayers will be answered. Relationship is built with worship, respect and trust, and intimate knowledge of Who and What our Heavenly Father is like. Jesus told us and revealed His and our Father to us. Through communication and worship, we get to know our Father better. That is the part of 'Hallowed be Thy Name'. Hallowed as our worship and 'Name' as we get to know Him. There are more... here is the mind-map ...

Please note that the sequence is important. We cannot be separate from evil unless begin first with a relationship with God as our Father through Jesus His Son. We will not be able to resist the devil unless we worship and know that our Father had given us authority over the devils. We cannot forgive others until we realize how much we have been forgiven by Christ through His Death for us. Please go through the steps and back track when needed to gain the grace and empowerment of God so that we can be supplied and equipped to carry out His will of "Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven".

The Purpose of Parable - Revealing His Kingdom
Here is the mind-map that give the details.
The Questions and Answers

Next: Kingdom Principles Discussion 02 Work The Principles

Index Page: Kingdom Laws & Principles

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