
The Main Secret of Success - God's Part & Man's Part

The main secret of success is given in Joshua 1:1-9. It started with God taking the initiative again - this time is with Joshua after the death of Moses. It also shows God's plan for mankind does not end with the death of a person. His plan continue with election of new person to take over. It is easy for God to speak to Joshua as Joshua had been with Moses most of the time when God talked to Moses. Joshua has a relationship and a heart for God. (Exo 33:11, Deu 31:14).

Step#1 Have a Relationship with God through Jesus Christ
The 1st step is to get connected with God. God has taken the initiative of sending His Son Jesus Christ to come to this earth and died for us that we may get connected back to God the Creator and the Source of Life. It is God who seek after us to have a relationship with Him.

Step#2 Receive Your Calling from God
God told Joshua about his mission in life - lead His people to inherit the promised land Jos 1:6. Each of us have our calling from God - to impact the world around us for His glory. God may also call us out to another area of influence. But whatever it is, God promised you the support to achieve the mission He has given you. His mission for us is for good success - Jos 1:7,8.

Step#3 Be Assured of God's Support & Promise
God said he would be with us whenerve we go Jos 1:9; He will not fail us for He is ABLE and He will forsake us for He is WILLING. We are given assurance in John 14:16 - forever with us and Heb 13:5 and 13:6.

Step#4 Arise & Go - Start
The key words used are "NOW", "ARISE", "GO", "POSSESS the LAND".... simply "JUST DO IT".
God has done His part- calling, empowerment, commission, accompaniment, assurance and the detailed instructions in the Bible.

Step#5 Follow the Bible
The detailed instructions are given in the BOOK - the BIBLE. Joshua was taught how to read the Bible too
  1. Not depart from the Mouth - i.e. speak the word, confess the word.
  2. Meditate on it Day and Night. - hiding His Word in our heart all the time.
  3. Follow it Exactly - Take is as the Standards for Livng. Not to turn to right or left ; Not try to be smarter than the Word. Not try to take short cut. Don't be corrupt by the world teaching. Stick to the Word and act on it accordingly no matter what even looking foolish to the world.
Step#6 Stayed Connected.
This is implied in meditating on the Word of God day and night. Read, Study, Talk over the Word with the Holy Spirit as teacher with the attitude of willingness to obey and execute the Rhema Words received.

The secret of success is simply Know God and Follow Him. God has taken the 1st step for reaching out and telling us how. It is up to us to put it into action and realise the success that God has intended for us.

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