
Hear - Obey - Glorify

Following from We can do Nothing apart from Jesus, the most important principle in Christian Living is then
  • Hear from God
  • Obey with doing
  • Accomplishing God's plan and glorify God.
Or is simpler form
  • Hear -> Obey -> Glorify or Hear -> Do -> Get
Someone says that the greatest asset that we have is the ability to hear God. Anything that is of value comes first from listening to God's desire and plan. The basic issue of life is then to learn how to listen to God. We need to sharpen our skill in this key area.

We all know how to listen to God when we receive Christ as our Saviour. While our encounter with Jesus may comes from external means like attending a Christian Rally, talking with Christians, reading a book, we know and have the sense of God speaking to us directly. God speaks to us inwardly, the small inner voice, a kind of sense and feeling, a hutch and so forth. The other common way is through reading the Bible and Prayer. God can also speak to us through friends, books, seminars etc. God can also speak to us through dream and vision.

But there are other voices speaking to us as well - our own thoughts and desires, our friends and also the devil. We need to learn how to differentiate them and follow the right voice of God. A reliable way is to check with the Bible - God does not violate His revealed and spoken Word the Bible.

Where is faith? Faith is in believing, receiving Jesus Christ and hearing Him. Faith is in hearing Him and doing His will. Faith is in continued obedience when we face difficulties and knowing that all things will work for good to those that love God.

Let's begin by listening to God and then follow by corresponding action. The action will bring the outcome, i.e. the fruit, that glorify God through you.

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