
How to be a Good Manager? Proverbs 29

 From good government, we move to good management.

Proverbs 29 gives us two principles ...

It is too brief. So I quote from Ancient Chinese commanders and Niccolò Machiavelli to explain further.

#1 Pro 29:19 Servants will not learn a lesson if you only talk to them. They might understand you, but they will not obey.
# Two Keys to motivate them: Love & Awe. Awe is achieved with high standards and punishments. Love is achieved by caring, protection, and giving security.
尉缭子《攻权第五》 26、…夫不爱说其心者,不我用也;不严畏其心者,不我举也。爱在下顺,威在上立,爱故不二,威故不犯。故善将者,爱与威而已。
If love cannot touch the hearts of men that they are willing, they cannot be used by me.
If awe, through the use of strict discipline, cannot cause them to fear and respect from the heart, they will not support me.
Love causes the men to follow/obey me. Awe causes the leaders to stand up to be respected.
Because of love, the men will not be double-minded. Because of awe, the men will not violate orders.
Hence the skillful generals must have love and awe and that is all there is to leadership.
Niccolò Machiavelli said that: Ruling with fear is better than ruling with love. It is better for people to fear you rather than respect you. With fear, people must do it or else. With love or respect, obedience is optional and hence less effective.
#2 Pro 29:21 Give your servants everything they want, and they will learn to be wasteful.
Too much money will lead to anyhow spending. This is supported by the venture capitalist case studies. e.g. renting porch offices, overspending on marketing before products are ready, growth at all costs, etc.

 Lim Liat (c) 29 Dec 2023

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