
The Temptations of Jesus - A Revisit

**The Temptation of Jesus by the Devil - Jesus' College Entrance Exam Luke 4:1-13** 

(go to Chinese 华文 text)

The college entrance exams in China have recently ended. The temptation of Jesus by the Devil was Jesus' college entrance exam. After graduating, Jesus proclaimed in verse 18, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

When I first read about the temptation of Jesus, I thought Jesus was being foolish—why not just turn the stones into bread and shut the Devil's mouth? Little did I know, if Jesus had done that, he would have fallen into the trap. Jesus would have established his identity based on external proof, and he would have been under the Devil's control everywhere. Just like us, we often let our surroundings and circumstances dictate our emotions, causing us to doubt God and even complain to God. So, what does Jesus' temptation teach us?

**The First Temptation - Proof of Identity**

1. **Identity** - "If you are the Son of God..." The Devil's first move is to make us doubt our identity...

2. **Method** - After doubt comes the demand for proof; the Devil provides a method—turning stones into bread.

3. **Enticement** - Using what we need the most, what is most attractive to us, to lure us. After fasting for 40 days, what Jesus needed most was bread to fill his hungry stomach.

Teaching 1: Our identity cannot be proven by external factors. Jesus teaches us to recognize our identity according to the Scriptures—we are children created and loved by God. Our lives are not just about eating but about living according to God's word and standards.

**The Second Temptation - Distortion and Misuse of God's Word
 (according to Matthew's sequence; Luke is the third)**

Since Jesus used Scripture, the Devil also used Scripture to tempt Jesus.

Teaching 2: We must act according to God's word and trust in it. We should not interpret and apply Scripture according to our own ideas. God is our Lord, not our slave to fulfill our desires.

**The Third Temptation - Taking Shortcuts**

Jesus' glory and position required him to walk the difficult path of the cross. The Devil wanted Jesus to take an easier and quicker path—worshipping the Devil. Jesus chose to walk the path of suffering that God had planned for him, which was necessary and the path to victory. Jesus defeated the Devil through the cross.

Teaching 3: We should trust in God's calling and plan, follow God's guidance, not fear difficulties, refrain from complaining, have faith, hold onto hope, and joyfully walk the path God has given us.

Chinese Version:

魔鬼试探耶稣 - 耶稣的高考  路加4:1-13

中国的高考最近结束了。魔鬼试探耶稣是耶稣的高考。耶稣毕业后就宣扬v18“主的灵在我身上,因为他膏我去传福音给贫穷的人,差遣我去宣告被掳的得释放,瞎眼的得看见,受压制的得自由, 19   又宣告主悦纳人的禧年。” 


殊不知 如果耶稣那样做就中计了。耶稣把自己的身份建立在外在的证明。处处要受魔鬼的控制了。就像我们一样,处处都让我们的环境和遭遇左右我们的心情。让我们怀疑神,甚至抱怨神。那耶稣的试探是给我们什么的教导呢?

第一个试探是 - 身份的证明

1. 身份 - 如果你是神的儿子。。。魔鬼的第一招就是要我们怀疑,怀疑我们的身份。。。

2. 方法 - 怀疑之后 就要证明,魔鬼就出方法,照他的方法,把石头变面包。

3. 引诱 - 用我们最需要的,最有吸引的,来引诱我们。禁食40天,最需要的就是面包来填满饿肚子了。

教导 1:我们的身份不可用外在的因素来证明。耶稣教我们要照圣经的话来认知我们的身份---神所创造和所爱的孩子。我们的生活,不只是吃,而是要照神的话语和标准来活。

第二个试探是 - 神话语的歪曲和滥用(照马太的次序,路加是第三)


教导 2:我们要照神的话做,要信靠神的话。而不是照自己的意念来解经和应用。神是我们的主。神不是我们的奴隶来满足我们的欲望。

第三个试探是 - 走捷径 

耶稣的荣耀和地位是要走过十字架的苦难的路。魔鬼要耶稣用更快更容易的方法 - 敬拜魔鬼。


歌罗西2:15   他既然靠着十字架胜过了一切执政掌权的,废除了他们的权势,就在凯旋的行列中,把他们公开示众。 

教导 3:我们要信靠神的呼召和计划,按照神的带领,不怕困难,没有怨言,有信心,有盼望,带着喜乐的走神给我们的路。


The New Bible Study Method with Visual Mindmapping & Generative AI Illustrated with Luke 24:1-12 The Empty Tomb

 With the availability of Generative AIs like ChatGPTGermini, and many others, we should change our traditional Bible Study to make use of them for a more productive and fruitful study.

Firstly, we need a notepad to record our study. 

I highly recommend the mind mapping software Freeplane. It is visual and has many features that help us arrange, analyze, and organize our notes.

You search the internet for the Bible version that you like, choose the passage you want to study and copy and paste it into the Freeplane mind map. Or you could just fire out the AI software  ChatGPT, and enter the passage and version you want in the prompt e.g. "Luke 24:1-12 NASB"

With the Freeplane, you can divide the sentences into sub-parts to highlight the key concepts. It makes the key points stand out. You can add in your comments, the interpretation of the facts, as you go along.  You can group a paragraph of text and give them a title. You can highlight the text and the background to give a better visual understanding.

You can then collect the comments you have made into lessons you have learned and apply them. The old method of facts, interpretation of facts, and applications are still applicable and be followed.

Here is the first cut...

We could have started by asking ChatGPT to give us the lessons from the passage. But I prefer to start with our own study first before getting ChatGPT to help.

Now we use ChatGPT to see what else we can learn. 

We put the following into the prompt of ChatGPT "Lessons from Luke 24:1-12".

Here is the ChatGPT response:

Luke 24:1-12, which narrates the discovery of Jesus' resurrection by the women who visited the tomb, offers several profound lessons for believers. Here are some key lessons:

1. **The Reality of the Resurrection**:

   - The empty tomb and the angelic proclamation that Jesus has risen affirm the foundational Christian belief in the resurrection. This event validates Jesus' identity as the Son of God and confirms His victory over death and sin.

2. **Faithfulness in Adversity**:

   - The women who went to the tomb early in the morning demonstrated their devotion to Jesus despite the fear and sorrow following His crucifixion. Their commitment exemplifies faithfulness in difficult times.

3. **God's Faithfulness to His Promises**:

   - The angels remind the women of Jesus' own prophecy about His death and resurrection. This highlights that God's promises are reliable and will be fulfilled, even if they seem impossible.

4. **Witness and Testimony**:

   - The women, after encountering the empty tomb and hearing the angels, go back to tell the apostles. This underscores the importance of sharing the good news and bearing witness to God's work in our lives.

5. **Skepticism and Belief**:

   - The apostles initially dismiss the women's report as nonsense. This illustrates that even close followers of Jesus can struggle with doubt and skepticism. It challenges believers to trust in God's word and the testimonies of others.

6. **Seeking and Discovery**:

   - Peter's response—running to the tomb and investigating for himself—demonstrates the value of seeking the truth actively. His wonder at the empty tomb suggests an openness to divine revelation and the beginning of understanding.

7. **Role of Women in God's Plan**:

   - The passage highlights the significant role women played in Jesus' ministry and as the first witnesses to the resurrection. This emphasizes the value and importance of women in the faith community and in spreading the gospel.

8. **Transformation through Encounter**:

   - The encounter with the empty tomb and the message of the angels transforms the women from mourners to messengers of joy. This indicates that an encounter with the risen Christ brings transformation and a new purpose.

9. **Hope and Renewal**:

   - The resurrection represents hope and new beginnings. It reassures believers that death is not the end, and there is always hope for renewal and eternal life through Jesus.

By reflecting on these lessons, believers can deepen their understanding of the resurrection's significance and its implications for their faith and daily lives.

We can see ChatGPT has outdone us. Giving us more pointers for us to learn. We can include them in our lessons learned to make them our own.

During our study, if we come across any puzzling verse, we could just ask ChatGPT. e.g.

"Who are the two men in dazzling apparel?"

Here is ChatGPT's response:

The "two men in dazzling apparel" mentioned in Luke 24:1-12 are generally understood to be angels. Here are some key points that support this interpretation:

1. **Description of the Men**:

   - The description of their clothes as "dazzling" or "gleaming like lightning" is commonly associated with angelic beings in biblical literature. Angels are often depicted with a radiant appearance that reflects their heavenly origin.

2. **Role in the Narrative**:

   - The role of these men is to deliver a divine message. They inform the women that Jesus has risen, reminding them of Jesus' own words predicting His death and resurrection. This role as messengers is typical of angels throughout the Bible.

3. **Parallel Accounts**:

   - In other Gospel accounts of the resurrection, similar figures appear. For example, Matthew 28:2-7 describes an angel who rolls back the stone and speaks to the women. Mark 16:5 mentions a young man in a white robe, and John 20:12 describes two angels in white sitting where Jesus' body had been.

4. **Reaction of the Women**:

   - The women's reaction of fear and bowing down suggests they recognized these figures as heavenly beings. This response is consistent with other biblical encounters with angels.

Taken together, these points strongly indicate that the "two men in dazzling apparel" are indeed angels, sent to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus to the women at the tomb.

We can feed our lessons learned to ChatGPT and learn even more...

(In Freeplane mind map, just copy Lessons, and paste it into ChatGPT prompt "My learned <ctl><v>")

This is ChatGPT's response:

Your learned lessons from Luke 24:1-12 are insightful and capture the key elements of the passage. Here’s a slightly refined version that retains your points while adding a bit more detail:

### Lessons from Luke 24:1-12

1. **Eagerness and Faithfulness of the Women Who Served Jesus**:

    - **Early Morning Dedication**: The women demonstrated their commitment by going to the tomb early in the morning, showing their devotion and willingness to serve Jesus even after His death.

2. **Signs of Jesus' Resurrection**:

    - **The Heavy Tomb Stone Rolled Away**: The removal of the stone, likely by angels, provided physical evidence that something extraordinary had happened, allowing access to the tomb.

    - **The Empty Tomb**: The absence of Jesus’ body served as circumstantial evidence of His resurrection.

    - **Angelic Confirmation**: The angels’ appearance and message encouraged and confirmed to the women that Jesus had indeed risen, as He had promised.

3. **Skepticism Toward the Story Told**:

    - **Disciples' Doubt**: The initial disbelief of the disciples highlights a natural skepticism and the difficulty of accepting the miraculous without concrete evidence.

4. **Need to Validate the Story Told by Others**:

    - **Peter's Verification**: Peter’s decision to run to the tomb to see for himself underscores the importance of personally verifying extraordinary claims.

5. **Evidence-Based Faith**:

    - **Fulfillment of Prophecy**: The fulfillment of Jesus' own prophecies about His death and resurrection strengthens faith based on evidence and divine promise.

These points reflect the significant themes of faith, evidence, and the transformative impact of the resurrection story. They also emphasize the human elements of devotion, skepticism, and the need for personal validation in the journey of faith.

 Now, we could replace our lessons with the ChatGPT version or we could just improve ours.

Here is my final version:


  • 1 The eagerness and faithfulness of the Women who served Jesus
    • Early morning they went.
  • 2 The signs of Jesus resurrections
    • The heavy tombstone was rolled away for access.--- by the angles?
    • The absence of Jesus’ body served as circumstantial evidence of His resurrection.
    • The angles encouragement and confirmation of Jesus' resurrection using what Jesus had foretold them.
  • 3 Be suspicious of the story told
    • The disciples did not believe the woman's stories of empty tomb, angles, and their story. It is good to do so. It is difficult to accept the miraculous without concrete evidence.
  • 4 Need to validate the story told by others
    • Peter went to the tomb to see for himself underscoring the importance of personally verifying extraordinary claims.
  • 5 Evidence-based faith
    • The fulfillment of Jesus' own prophecies about His death and resurrection strengthens faith based on evidence and divine promise.
    • Doubts are good. When they are resolved our belief could then be stronger.
  • These points reflect the significant themes of faith, evidence, and the transformative impact of the resurrection story. They also emphasize the human elements of devotion, skepticism, and the need for personal validation in the journey of faith.