
Your Last Message - A Reflection on Life

If you have but a little time left to live, what shall be your last message to this world? What would you say to your loved ones, your friends and even society at large? What is this simple legacy that you want to leave behind? Now that we have some time,  it may be good that we ponder over this question. Here are some thoughts of my last message:

You are more than what you see
1. You are more than just your body - of flesh and blood, of mind and body. You are firstly a spiritual being that live in a physical body through which you make your presence in this world. You will live on when your spirit leave your body behind. Where shall you go and where will you be after this physical death,

Jesus came to show us God
2. You must get to know Jesus. Jesus is God coming into our world in our likeness of flesh and blood so that he can tell us about the true and loving God, the creator of this universe and of us.

You are not an Accident but a Masterpiece
3. Through knowing Jesus, you will learn that you are not an accident nor of the will of man. You may think that your parents had given birth to you. That is a fact. But many couples wish for baby and they could not have any. Your parents could have given birth to someone else. Hence, there is a very unique purpose for you be born where, when and from whom. See You are a Masterpiece Created in Christ.

Find out Your Unique Calling
4. The meaning of your life is about knowing Jesus and find out your unique calling and living that calling out. After this life on earth, you shall depart and join your parents, relatives and friends in heaven with Jesus.

Live the Meaningful Life Now with Eternal Perspective
5. Even so, your life on this earth is important and meaningful; otherwise, you will be taken out immediately and to be with Jesus in heaven, There are wonderful things, of joy and even of sorrows, of victories and of disappointments, of intimate relationships and of separation, for you to live out with an external perspective of Jesus and His love for you.

Jesus is with you in the Journey of Life on Earth

  • "In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" John 16:33
  • "He hath said I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Hebrews 13:5). 
  • "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).
  • "Father, I will that they also whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am" (John 17:24).
  • The Most Comforting Verses in the Bible John 14:1-4

“Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.” ― Helen Keller

I have completed my last message for the time being. Will add more in future if I discover any more things that are of utmost importance.

What is your last message?

Lim Liat (c) 12 Nov 2012

1 comment:

  1. Mine is - God made you an original. Don't live your life trying to be a copycat.
