
Spiritual Warfare - Learning from Tim Keller

Spiritual Warfare is a key topic that all believers should need to understand to have victory in his walk in the Lord. Tim Keller preached a great sermon on this topic. Here is a mind-map that I made from the message that I hope capture the essence of the devil's schemes and the ways to overcome them. Hope you can benefit from it.

In particular, the devil's method and power over us is through lies. He tempts us with lies, telling us the fun and pleasures and hiding the true harm and evil. He accuses us with lies, telling us that we are under condemnation and undermining the love and power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Please go through the 'talks' that the devil tell us. See which ones we easily fall for and let us wise up and talk precaution instead of falling into them again and again. Please note Tim's warning that when you manage to handle a few well, Satan will switch his tactics again.

Finally, the best cure for all these is to abide in Christ or yielding to His spirit. See 

Lim Liat (C) 24 Nov 2012

1 comment:

  1. This strikes home for me. I don't know why God continues to give me breath.
