
BJ#14 Learning & Growth - Organization & Culture

There are four key aspects we want to discuss further in Organization and Culture.

1. Communication
Most common error in corporate performance is lack of communication, resulting in misunderstanding and subsequent internal in-fighting, unintentional conflicts, duplicated and wasted resources and so forth. Without clear and constant communication, mission, visions, values and strategies cannot be shared.

In the Parable of the Sower (Mk 4:3-20), Jesus shared that there were 4 types of listeners, despite all your good effort in trying to communicate and motivate (it is the same Word that is shared to the 4 types of listeners) with four very different outcomes.

  1. Paths - Indifferent and Disengaged Staff. They are not interested in doing or improving things. May be they are victims of many initiatives and frequent changes in strategies that they don't see the good results of anything 'new' initiatives. They are the depressed and given-up staff. If not motivated and changed, they may degrade to be actively disengaged staff that will sabotage the work of others. Their bad attitudes and behaviour may spread and caused others to follow suit. The answer is to change them or get rid of them.
  2. Rocks - Head Only Listeners. They are excited quickly and rush to implement. They are easily discouraged and give up especially when they do not see short term results. Very often, their failures are due to misunderstanding, lack of preparation and unrealistic expectations.
  3. Thorns - Own Agendas. They have different agendas than the corporates. They will do only those corporate objectives that agree with their goals.
  4. Soils - Heart, Head, Hand & Habits. The 4 Hs are the terms used in "Lead like Jesus" for ease of remembering . These people not only understand with their minds, but have taken them into their hearts. They are committed to achieving the success and will execute them (Hands). Long term practice makes them good habits that are done without extra supervision. They produce the fruits.
The key then is to keep and to develop Type-4 Staff; renew the mindset of Type 3, motivate the Type 2 and may be get rid of Type 1 after giving them 2nd chance. Selecting the right staff, identifying their talents, putting them in the right fitting jobs, developing their strength (with the right managers and mentors) may be a good way to develop type 4 staff. "Discipling like Jesus" is a good way to follow.

Type 4 4H staff , or Actively Engaged Staff, are so important for the success of corporate that we find in Num 11:17 that God took the spirit of Moses and put upon the other leaders so that all can share in the same vision and carry the burdens together.

2. Leadership
Leadership is a subject that is extensively covered in business and biblical literatures. I just want to highlight the following key points:
  • Servant Leadership : Mt 20:26, Mk 9:35-37, Mk 10:43-45 the Greatest Serve. Leadership is not measured by the number of people serving you but by the number of people you serve and influence for the corporate and their good. Leaders are to be role models. Leaders lead from the front. They do first - showing others how to do. Then they teach others and watch while others do. Finally, they delegate them to do.
  • The Heart is more important than the rules. Mt 5:20-22. Go after the heart and just the head even though you reach the heart through the head and hands (examplified living)
  • Pursue of Excellence - Better than the Common Norm Mat 5:43-48 Be ye perfect as your Father in heaven.
3. Team Work & Alignment
  • Team Work is a synergy of differences and not of the same. Accept another's differences . Rom 14:1, 15:7.
  • It is a Body of many and different parts working together. Each part doing its parts contributing to the well-being of the corporate. Rom 12:4-21. Difference in functions but all equal in value. Rewards are to be distributed according to the performance and value delivered.
  • Unity and Love for One-another is a distinguish attribute of Christians (John 13:35). Divided we fall , United we stand Mark 3:24-26. We are all ONE is Christ and in the Father John 17:21. Organization and its staff should be similar.
  • Segment into Groups for greater effectiveness Mark 6:39-40.
  • Be objective in your judgment. Don't fix people. Mat 7:1-5
4. Taking a Break
  • Mark 6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

    We need to take regular breaks from our routines of business to rest and reflect. To take stock of life and re-plan.
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BJ#0 Business According to Jesus TOC --|--BJ#15 Competitors

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