
The CEO Textbook & The Ideal Wife - Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31 is a king remembering his mother's advice on how to be a good king. Today, it could named as "The CEO Textbook". It advised the king to abstain from 2 things and to do 2 things well. It then lists down the attributes of a good wife. It shows the king how and who to choose as a wife and also how to treat his wife. 

4 Advice for the King:

 1 Keep Away from Sexual Lust #abstain #1

2 Keep Away from Alcohol #abstain #2

3 Establish Justice #Do #1 Fight for the Cause of the Afflicted

4 Find a Good Wife #Do #2 - Get a good wife

The mind map:

Lim Liat (c) 6 Jan 2024

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