
Just ONE Advice for Success - Psalm 1 Live Righteously

There are many advice for you to be successful. Some of them are even conflicting. There is one that will ensure your success, and you must always stick to it no matter what. It is 'Live Righteously' and there is an Almighty God that will make sure you have the blessings in due seasons. 
The book of Psalms begins with 'live rightly and be blessed' in Ps 1and ends with 'praise the Lord' in Ps 150. There are many voices in the world that teach you to do or that to be successful in life. There is only one that you should listen and stick to no matter what. This is explained in Psalm 1 with the promised blessings for the righteous and the warning against the wicked. Here is the min-map:

1. Begins with Knowing and Internalising the Laws of Lord 
Only when our mind and heart are filled with the Laws of the Lord that we could stay away from evil and obey the leading of the Lord. It requires us to read the Bible and to meditate on it throughout our day and night. When there are choices to be made, we will need to check with the Lord. Someone suggested asking "What will Jesus do in this situation?".

2. Avoid and Stay Away from Evil Company
No one will tell you that he is up to doing evil or nasty thing. They will give you good reasons for doing such and such. It is usually how much benefits you will be getting or how much you will loose if you don't . You will be so silly to miss such great opportunity. Others are doing it and enjoying the 'blessing' so it is OK. Furthermore, you will be caught if ever. Under such tempting pressures and lures, how would you decide unless you have the mindset of Christ internalised. Remember to stick to the Bible teaching even though it sounds like you would be missing 'great' things.
3. Repent if Yielded to Sin
Even when we fall for it, remember to repent and get out of it quickly. Don't get stuck in sin. The arms of God is like the Prodigal Son's Father, forever opened to welcome back repentant sinners.

4. Fruits in Due Seasons
The blessings for doing the right things will come in due seasons. Gal 6:7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. The key word is season. The tree does not bear fruit all the time, but according to the seasons. There is a right time for the right thing. Be not worry or panicky, stay  on the righteous course and the good blessings will surely come. Note the assurance of 'he prospers in everything that he does!".

5. You are Healthy and Strong in the mean time.
While waiting for the fruit, the tree is blossoming with green leaves of vitality and life. The secret for such vitality is in the roots that draw water from the streams, the Word and the Holy Spirit. The greatest danger is to sneer at the Words or God. Always revere God and abide in His words and the blessings are ensured. May the grace of God keeps you in Him and be His wonderful testimonies to all.

As a bonus, here is Psalm 91 Protection for those who abide in Him:

Lim Liat (c) 16 Aug 2013

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