
Priorities & Living the Meaningful Life

In the business of life, we often forget what are the truly valuable things in life. The world want us to put 3G of Gold(Money, Wealth, Possession - lust of flesh/eye), Glory(Popularity, Reputation, Position - pride of life), and Girls(Beauty, Attractiveness - lust of eye/flesh) as our priorities. We are some what corrupted by the world too when we get upset with God because our business was not doing as well as before, or we are missed in the promotion, or some thing not going our way. As we put them first, God becomes our means to obtain the 3Gs. It is good to take time to reflect on the real valuable things in our life and adjust our life accordingly.

1. Time - Go for Eternal Value rather than Temporal 
We first recognize that this life on earth is a short one. It is temporary. Temporary means it will go away. Opportunities will be missed and opportunities will come. Are will investing on things that last,  things of eternal values? Jesus tells us to store up treasures in heaven Mat 6:20. What are these treasures?

2 Foundation is God
The greatest thing is to know the Creator God revealed through Jesus Christ. It answers the basic questions and purpose of our existence and our destination. Most believers know this. But knowing God is not a one-off event. It is a eternal relationship of knowing and interacting and sharing of joy and pains and comfort and desires and .... 

Someone say the most valuable thing of life is that we can get to know God. It is not just about quiet time. It is about bringing God into our daily living- running the chores, 'stressing' out in work, serving of customers, socializing with friends. Thanks God for His presence whether you feel like He is there or not. He says He is always with you no matter what. Enjoy God in the midst of disappointments. Trust Him. These things happen to bring us to higher plane - painful though at this time. At least thank God we are still breathing and healthy. Focus on the future and the promises of God and see how your spirit can be lifted. Faith comes not by trying to believe but by reading the Bible and quietly hearing God speaking to you.

3 Relationship & Roles - From Self-Centric to Others-Centric.
We exists with God and with others. We comes first as a child with parents. We have brothers and sisters. Then we get marry and become husband or wife. Then we have children of our own and we become parents. But we will, till death do us apart, be husband or wife to someone. In the midst of all these relationships, be thankful that we have good relationships with them. We have no sour or bitterness in our lives. If we have any bitterness, be thankful that bitterness is something we can handle. It does not depend on anyone else but ourselves. We can decide and choose to forgive and live without bitterness.

Rom 12:18  If possible, so far as it depends on you, live in peace with all people.
We can't control and be responsible for others will. So live in peace with yourself and forgive others.

For those who don't have children, parents or friends, we can decide to adopt. We don't need to go through the legal process for adoptions. We adopt them through the way we treat them. We be nice to our 'adopted' parents  - we are not restricted to 2 or 4, we can have more according to our ability. We can adopt children as well. We don't need their approval too. We extend our love. We of course need to use wisdom in the way we treat others. Love is not forcing people to accept our love or insist on them doing things to our liking because we love them. Love is giving spaces and options for people to receive or reject. Be not upset when your love is not appreciated or even rejected. True love is unconditional.

Don't focus on what you don't have but focus on what you can do to make a difference in the life of others.

4 Wealth & Money
Wealth is a strange thing. Pursuing the right things in serving others will bring them to you. Chasing them alone will give you short-term success but long term liability. Watch out for the saying that money is a good servant but a terrible master. True wealth is not measured by amount we accumulated but in our giving them away to create influence and impact. At the bema judgement seat of awards ceremony, you will be rewarded according to how much and how you spent your wealth. The accumulated wealth not used become a bad testimony of our self-centric life. In the parable of the dishonest steward, the moral of the story is to using wealth for relationship -invest in people - relationship is more important than possessions.

Conclusions - The Valuables in Life
Be thankful of knowing a true and good God, having good relationships within and without, a healthy, adequate and comfortable life, ability to influence others for good, and so forth.... See, God is with you all the while and making sure we grow up to be a better person.

Lim Liat (c) updated 2 April 2013

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