

As a Christian, we are taught, at least very often in the past, to surrender to God. We spoke about dying to self and carry our cross daily. But these concepts may be too abstract or high sounding. On more practical terms, I think surrender involves the following concepts:
  1. Begins with Acceptance.
    It begins with accepting our present realities - our talents (or someone may feel the lack of), our appearance, our circumstances, our families, and many of other limitations and lack of control over our lives.
  2. Trusting God.
    Despite all the limitations and weaknesses, we are trusting God can make something good out of us through these challenging situations.
  3. Thy Will be Done.
    Once we know and trust God - that God knows better and have a better way we can then agree to have God's will be done on our lives. The easiest way to say No to something is to have something better to say Yes to. Trusting also meanings listening and acting in obedience. Surrender is not about just giving up but accepting and following God's.
  4. Checklist.
    If we trust God, then we should know how to let go. We should give up trying to manipulate, intimidate, deceive or even to flatter.
  5. Exchange for Real Life.
    Surrender does not mean just dying. Jesus said a seed died to become a living tree that provides for the birds and the people. Dying to self and accept Jesus brings forth the life of love, joy, peace, health, and true self-control - a strong inner man that is not easily swayed by challenging circumstances - the very situations that caused us our frustration and stress. We learn to live above our circumstances - always joyful and grateful and hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. It is most important to say that this has blessed! As i read this I could see my walk with God, How He has processed me in my spiritual walk with Him. How He has carried me in the midst of my development.That in each stage of development was a new level of maturity in God. And it has all been by His Grace and through His Spirit. May the Lord continue to bless you as you continue to speak and spread His Word.
